Golden Juwa Cash In & Cash Out Rules

July 28, 2024


Minimum Deposit: $10 to play. Always ask for the Cashtag.

Cash Out Limits:

  • Minimum Cash Out 3x of the last deposit.
  • Maximum Cash Out: 12x of the last deposit, up to $1000 per day.
  • Anything over the maximum limit will be voided.

Important Notes:

  • We are not responsible for system glitches, WiFi, internet, or device issues.
  • Deposits will not be loaded if you don't claim them within 60 minutes of sending.
  • Cashouts must be claimed within 24 hours of deposit.
  • We do not pay for any kind of free spin jackpot bonuses or bonuses provided by the games.
  • In the case of CashApp issues, redemption can take some time. We will do our best to clear cash outs immediately, so please be patient.

Operation Hours: 24/7 with instant load and redeem.

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I am a admin of golden juwa